Molybdenum Disulfide is a satiny black powder and has good chemical stability and thermal stability, it does not dissolve in other acid, alkali, solvent, oil, synthetic lubricant; does not react with general metal surface; does not erode rubber materials.
History of MoS2
Molybdenum Disulphide, as a lubricant, was developed during the latter stages of the war and was released from the secret list approximately 10 years after the war ended. It was, and still is, used for the lubrication of jet engines, high speed machinery, tank tracks, etc, in fact it gives outstanding service where conventional lubricants are inadequate. Molybdenum Disulphide, which is contained in the range of MO-DI products, is virtually the ideal lubricant. It is resistant to heat, oxidisation, light, all common solvents and chemicals. It has a low co-efficient of friction, low resistance to shear. Together with these qualities, it withstands extreme pressures, and will readily bond to metal and hard plastics. It is also effective as a lubricant for rubber.
Molybdenum is a group 6 chemical element which is a silvery metal with a high melting point. It readily forms hard, stable carbides, and for this reason it is often used in high-strength steel alloys. Industrially, the molybdenum compound is used in high pressure and high temperature applications, as pigments and catalysts.
The ability of molybdenum to withstand extreme temperatures without significantly expanding or softening makes it useful in applications that involve intense heat, including the manufacture of aircraft parts, electrical contacts, industrial motors and filaments.
Molybdenum can be implemented both as an alloying agent and as a flame-resistant coating for other metals.
Their unique products have captured the amazing properties of this molybdenum element; the use of its strength, extreme pressure and heat resistance to create a lubricant which also reduces friction and has an ability to reduce wear and tear. These top quality products are guaranteed to keep your mechanical parts running smoother, for longer, more efficiently and at a low maintenance cost.
Each one of the 12 high performance molybdenised lubricant products has been designed with a specific purpose and there is a list of them, all with details explaining their uses on the Products page.
Some more info on the amazing properties of MoS2
This powder is subjected to a fluid energy milling process to obtain an average particle size as low as ½ micron. A trace (less than 1%) of the particles may reach as high as 10 microns. The average particles are 100 times finer than the human eye can see.
The high lubricative properties of Molybdenum Disulphide is the result of its laminar type crystal structure, where each layer of molybdenum atoms is sandwiched between two layers of sulphur atoms. The layer of Sulphur atoms adheres tightly to metals upon contact, because the Sulphur has a strong affinity for metals. The bond between the two adjacent layers of Sulphur is weak, therefore they slip easily over one another.
Unlike graphite, the lubricating action of Molybdenum Disulphide does not depend on the presence of a film of moisture; it is satisfactory in applications where moisture is absent, as in a vacuum. It can also be used as a lubricant where a non-conducting material is necessary, which is not the case with graphite.